


Java is a programming language which is maintained by Oracle. The language allows developers to create code that is executable on any operating system with the Java platform installed on it. J2EE was the name for Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition.
Java is a computer programming language. It enables programmers to write computer instructions using commands based in English removing the hassle of writing in numeric codes. It’s known as a “high-level” language because it can be read and written easily by humans. Like English, Java has a set of rules that determine how the instructions are written. These rules are known as its “syntax”. Once a program has been written, the high-level instructions are translated into numeric codes that computers can understand and execute.

Virtual Machine
Java code can run on any machine, because it is interpreted at run time by the Java virtual machine. Instead of compiling the code, which creates an operating system dependent executable, each operating system downloads its own version of the Java platform and the virtual machine translates the Java code for that system.

Java is an object oriented programming language. Oracle provides the tools programmers need to develop Java applications for free on its website.

Java EE
Because of developments in the Java language, it is no longer referred to as J2EE. As of 2010, Java Enterprise Edition is referred to by Oracle as Java EE.
Who Created Java?

In the early nineties, Java was created by a team led by James Gosling for Sun Microsystems. It was originally designed for use on digital mobile devices, such as cell phones. However, when Java 1.0 was released to the public in 1996, its main focus had shifted to use on the Internet. It provided more interactivity with users by giving developers a way to produce animated webpages . Over the years it has evolved as a successful language for use both on and off the Internet. A decade later, it’s still an extremely popular language with over 6.5million developers worldwide.
Why Choose Java?

Java was designed with a few key principles in mind:
Easy to Use: The fundamentals of Java came from a programming language called c++. Although c++ is a
 powerful language, it was felt to be too complex in its syntax, and inadequate for all of Java's requirements. Java built on, and improved the ideas of c++, to provide a programming language that was powerful and simple to use.

Reliability: Java needed to reduce the likelihood of fatal errors from programmer mistakes. With this in 
mind, object-oriented programming was introduced. Once data and its manipulation were packaged together in one place, it increased Java’s robustness.
Secure: As Java was originally targeting mobile devices that would be exchanging data over networks,
 it was built to include a high level of security. Java is probably the most secure programming language to date.

Platform Independent: Programs needed to work regardless of the machine they were being executed on.
Java was written to be a portable language that doesn't care about the operating  system or the hardware of the computer.

The team at Sun Microsystems were successful in combining these key principles, and Java's popularity can be traced to it being a robust, secure, easy to use, and portable language.

Why do I need Java?

There are number of applications and websites that won't work unless you have Java installed, and more are created every day. Java is fast, secure, and reliable. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere!

Why should I upgrade to the latest Java version?

The latest Java version contains important enhancements to improve performance, stability and security of the Java applications that run on your machine. Installing this free update will ensure that your Java applications continue to run safely and efficiently.

What is Java technology and why do I need it?

Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. It's the underlying technology that powers state-of-the-art programs including utilities, games, and business applications. Java runs on more than 850 million personal computers worldwide, and on billions of devices worldwide, including mobile and TV devices.
What is Java Plug-in software?

The Java Plug-in software is a component of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The JRE allows applets written in the Java programming language to run inside various browsers. The Java Plug-in software is not a standalone program & cannot be installed separately.
Java Interview Questions

Question1: What is the difference between an Interface and an Abstract class?
Question2: What is the purpose of garbage collection in Java, and when is it used?  

Question3: Describe synchronization in respect to multithreading.

Question4: Explain different way of using thread?  

Question5: What are pass by reference and passby value?

Question6: What is HashMap and Map?

Question7: Difference between HashMap and HashTable?

Question8: Difference between Vector and ArrayList?

Question9: Difference between Swing and Awt?

Question10: What is the difference between a constructor and a method?

Question11: What is an Iterator?

Question12: State the significance of public, private, protected, default modifiers both singly and in combination
and state the effect of package relationships on declared items qualified by these modifiers.
Question13: What is an abstract class?

Question14: What is static in java?

Question15: What is final?

AUTHORS:Ryan stephens.
                    Ron plew.
                    Arie D.Jones.

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